Fears of a Recessions
This script is associated with current thinking of doom and gloom in today’s so called recession
Its a funny thing recessions, they are always suppose to happen (according to popular thinking). So if they are suppose to happen why then are so many so uptight about it?…… FEAR that’s why ?
Fear of job losses, Fear of losing the house by not being able to pay the mortgage, Fear of not being able to maintain a lifestyle, Fear of another country invading us as they cant support their people, Fear of the recession, Fear of not being able to find a job, Fear of #^%$
Fear is the driving force behind all recessions. Maybe there is some truth in our spending habits and the credit crisis as being the root cause.. MAYBE… I say maybe because once you believe that then you believe everything everyone is saying.
The funny thing is this, in almost every recession in history there has always been individuals who flourished and who’s businesses soared in face of the economic times. Most of these individuals decided to have the attitude that times have never been better and the good old days are here right now. After all, what else is there to do?
You can sit under a rock and die or you can attempt something. It is better to have attempted and failed then to not have attempted at all.
Please remember that when you use a generic script like this one, go through the script once… Then if any thoughts, words, or particular experiences come up during the tapping, go through the tapping again and inject these words or particular incidents into the EFT…. This script from experience regularly brings up other issues
Before you begin, try to get a gauge at where you are on a scale between 0 and 10 on a suds scale. Simply say this sentence out aloud “We are in a recession, we have to watch our money, things are tight, we are in the midst of a credit crisis “, and see if you can feel any resistance, and use your own intuition to see where you are on the scale.
Eft Script
This EFT Script is a generic script which will be very useful…. You may also receive additional benefit by doing additional rounds of tapping, adding in your own words where needed, or commenting on specific events that happened in your life, such as, “my Local MP told us to expect hard times ahead, if he is worried then I should be ”
Press Play To Tap Along To This Script
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This Audio Takes a Couple of Seconds to Start
Tap on the Karate Chop point whilst saying the following:
Even though we are in the grip of a recession and I am afraid for my finances, I accept this and myself anyway. Even though I feel like I have no control over anything, and I cant stop the recession I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though the financial credit crisis is worsening, and the recession is going to hit hard, and I have not control over any of it, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, and I choose to forgive myself and anyone else who has contributed to this financial crisis.
Tap on the appropriate points, approx 7 times whilst saying the following:
EB | I am in a recession |
SE | I am not in control of my finances |
UE | I am fearful of this recession |
UN | I am afraid for my finances |
Ch | this recession will hit me hard |
CB | this recession will hit all of us |
UA | this looming credit crisis |
H | we have overspent, I have overspent |
EB | I might not be able to pay my mortgage in a recession |
SE | I am in a big recession |
UE | maybe I even helped to cause the recession |
UN | no I didn’t |
Ch | yes I did |
CB | this credit crisis |
UA | I am loosing control of everything |
H | I am not in control, the recession is in control |
EB | I am so fearful of this recession, its all doom and gloom |
SE | everyone is talking about the recession, and how hard things will get |
UE | even the news man is talking about it |
UN | everyone knows its a credit crisis |
Ch | jobs will be lost, its a recession |
CB | I might not survive this gloomy recession |
UA | I am so afraid for my family |
H | my family is so important to me, I am so afraid for them |
EB | This credit crisis will effect everyone |
SE | I am so afraid of loosing everything |
UE | this recession will effect me, I must tighten my expenses |
UN | this recession is already effecting me, what if its too late for me |
Ch | maybe I wont survive this credit crisis, I may loose my house |
CB | I fear another great depression |
UA | everyone is saying more job cuts are coming |
H | another recession like the great depression |
EB | Maybe I have no control over the recession |
SE | Maybe I am not in control of everything |
UE | but maybe I never was in control of everything |
UN | after all I cant control everything |
Ch | its time to let go of my control |
CB | maybe I have no control over my finances |
UA | this credit crisis has control over my finances |
H | I choose to let go of my control |
EB | Its possible that I could survive |
SE | I know some people wont |
UE | but that doesn’t mean I wont |
UN | maybe its my time to shine, maybe I will survive |
Ch | maybe I don’t have to listen to the news man |
CB | I choose to accept its my time to survive |
UA | after all I am in control of my thoughts |
H | I am in control, I AM IN CONTROL |
EB | Many businesses flourish in bad times |
SE | maybe this will be a good time for me |
UE | I choose to embrace good times |
UN | I am here now, and I choose to make the most of my here and now |
Ch | when I hear someone speaking doom and gloom, I say great, more money for me |
CB | more money and happiness for me |
UA | after all I am in control |
H | I choose more money and happiness, because I am in control |
EB | I am doing the best I can |
SE | and that’s all my family expects of me |
UE | I choose to embrace change |
UN | its my time to shine |
Ch | I choose to be the light for myself, my family and friends |
CB | I am a survivor |
UA | I am in control of my life |
H | I choose to accept financial freedom |