Not Smart Enough

Not Smart Enough

This script is associated with thoughts of not being smart enough .

Thoughts of not being smart enough are common beliefs which usually begin in childhood when comparing oneself with another person. The majority of current education systems seem to support this belief and reinforce this issue into students.

This is not the fault of the teacher, unless of course the teacher has major issues and should not be teaching (we have all seen people like that), the current system of education says that if you do not meet this level in this time period we will mark you down. Wow, how awesome is that for a child’s self esteem.

This belief is one which in the majority of cases is unfounded. We are all born with skills, some of us are good at maths and others may be good at english, you may be good at swimming or awesome at picking up dates for Saturday Night.

Does it mean you are any better than another person – No ?.

Just because I am not another Einstein doesn’t mean that he is any better than you or me. In fact I never saw him perform EFT or win a boxing match, or fly a plane, or scuba dive, or give birth to a child, or another million more topics…

No-one is any better than another person.

Before you begin, try to get a gauge at where you are on a scale between 0 and 10 on a suds scale. Simply say this sentence out aloud “I am not Smart Enough”, and see if you can feel any resistance, and use your own intuition to see where you are on the scale.

Eft Script


This EFT Script is a generic script which will be very useful….   You may also receive additional benefit by doing additional rounds of tapping, adding in your own words where needed, or commenting on specific events that happened in your life, such as, “my 5th grade teach said I was stupid”

 Press Play To Tap Along To This Script

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This Audio Takes a Couple of Seconds to Start


Tap on the Karate Chop point whilst saying the following:

Even though I am not smart enough I love and accept myself anyway

Even though I am not smart enough to become successful I forgive and accept myself anyway

Even though I am not smart enough to find success even if I tripped over it, I love and accept myself anyway, and I choose to forgive myself and anyone else who may have contributed to this belief


Tap on the appropriate points, approx 7 times whilst saying the following:

EB I am not smart enough
SE I’m not that smart
UE I have never been smart enough
UN Yes I am
Ch No I’m Not
CB I’m Not smart enough to become successful
UA I don’t have the intelligence or the know how
H I’m just not smart enough


EB I have been told that I was not smart
SE I was never at the top of my class
UE that’s because I’m not smart
UN I’m not clever enough to become successful
Ch I have always been less than
CB I am destined to fail, I’m not worthy of success
UA I have failed many times
H that’s because I’m not smart enough


EB I am not intelligent enough to be successful
SE I haven’t had the right schooling
UE I didn’t get good marks at school
UN I never completed any further education
Ch So who am I to become successful?
CB I am not smart enough, and never have been
UA I have always been told I wasn’t smart enough
H Maybe I am not smart enough


EB I am not Smart Enough
SE I am not smart enough to be successful
UE I was never smart enough
UN I am not smart enough to be successful
Ch I am not Smart Enough
CB I am not smart enough, I never was
UA Who am I to think I can be successful
H I am not Smart Enough


EB But maybe they are all wrong about me
SE Maybe I am ok and smart enough just the way I am
UE Maybe I am smart enough to become successful
UN After all I am smart enough to be here doing this
Ch I could be clever enough just as I am
CB I choose to accept that I am smart enough and clever enough
UA I choose to accept that I am clever enough to become successful
H I am smart enough, and clever enough, to be successful just as I am


EB I am as smart an everyone else
SE After all, we are all born with intelligence
UE I am smart enough and intelligent enough
UN I don’t need any more to become successful
Ch I am good enough to be successful
CB I am clever enough and smart enough
UA I forgive myself for holding onto this belief
H I am smart enough, and clever enough just as I am


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