not enough money

Not Enough, Not Enough Money


This EFT Script is a generic script which will be very useful….   You may also receive additional benefit by doing additional rounds of tapping, adding in your own words where needed, or commenting on specific events that happened in your life, such as, “I did not have enough money to pay for that item, I never have enough money in my wallet”

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Tap on the Karate Chop point whilst saying the following:

Even though there is never enough, never enough money, I love and accept myself anyway

Even though I never seem to have enough money, I never seem to be able to find enough to do everything I want, I love and accept myself anyway

Even though I never seem to get enough money, and when I do I never seem to have enough, I seem to always be looking for more, I always need more, and I find myself worrying over money, I choose to love accept and forgive myself anyway


Tap on the appropriate points, approx 7 times whilst saying the following:

EB I never seem to have enough
SE There never seems to be enough
UE There is never enough money
UN There is never enough, never enough money
Ch I seem to always run out
CB I never seem to find enough money
UA There is never enough to do everything
H I always struggle to find enough


EB I seem to live from hand to mouth
SE I find it so hard to get ahead
UE When I do I always get pulled right back down
UN I never seem to have enough
Ch There is never enough money
CB Never enough to go around
UA I get worried that things might get worse
H I here every day how bad things are


EB Every day there seem to be less and less
SE Every day more people are out of work
UE More people are finding it hard to make ends meet
UN I worry that I will never make it
Ch What if I find myself without a home
CB What if I lost everything and had to start again
UA Where would I find the money
H So many people are loosing there homes and jobs


EB How am I every going to find enough money
SE What am I going to be able to do about it
UE I might never have enough money
UN There never seems to be enough
Ch I am just not able to make any more money
CB It just seems so unfair
UA Sometimes I feel so all alone
H So alone and so afraid


EB So worried that I will never have enough
SE I worry about money all the time
UE Even when I have money I still worry about money
UN When will I ever get enough
Ch But maybe I created it
CB Even though I don’t really believe that
UA But I choose to accept where I am
H I cant do much to change that now


EB But I can choose to change my now
SE Right now I choose to have enough
UE I choose to allow enough into my life
UN I allow others to help and support me
Ch I choose to accept the flow of money in my universe
CB I accept that I am worthy of having enough
UA I am worthy of having enough money
H I am worthy of having enough, having enough money

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