
Free Events & Things

This page is dedicated to listing know events on EFT, Abundance and More…

About the events

Remember that you may not resonate with all the speakers from these types of events.

Most of these events are usually free if you catch the live recordings or listen to the replays within the first 48 Hours.. You can purchase these seminars if you want, but if you have resistance to this or if your finances are too restricting then don’t, simply listen to all of the Free Recordings. I personally only purchase about 1 in 3 of these types of events as it all depends on the quality of the speakers and where I want to place my fund for the month.

I usually mark my calendar so I don’t miss out on the speakers whom I really want to listen to, after that if I catch another talk from another speaker I consider it to be a bonus.

Remember the more programs you listen to, the more books you read, the more you get involved in your own personal education, eventually some will stick and your life will change. I listen to all these events, I catch as many speakers as I can, even if I have heard them before, they don’t all resonate with me, but I don’t resonate with everyone either

Current Events

There Are No New Events In My Calendar – Please email me if you see an event that would be worthy of listing here..


News for the Soul – 100% FREE Audio’s – All Year Round


There is an excellent resource of audio’s which many are not aware of. Nicole from News for the Soul hosts one of the biggest collections of audio libraries anywhere in the world.

You are able to listen to her collection at any time for Free..

Her library stays open due to donations and the selling of products..  So Don’t forget to donate or purchase a product from her when you get an opportunity to do so, as she provides you with hundreds of hours of recordings Free of Charge….