Raising Your Vibrations
When your vibrations are down and you are feeling like you are not at your highest vibrationairy levels
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Raising your Vibrations
Even though I sometimes find it hard to change my thoughts I love accept and forgive myself
Even though its hard to change my energy when so much is going on around me, I don’t have the time to think and feel positive, it doesn’t seem natural, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.
Even though I am not always aware of my energy vibrations, who is, its silly to say that we can really be in tune all the time, life isn’t always that simple, so its only natural that my energy changes, I do the best I can, but sometimes I am angry with myself as I know I can do better, but I choose to accept and forgive myself, as I deeply and completely love and accept the whole of me
Eye Brow Point
I cant always be in charge of my energy
Side of the Eye
Its only natural that sometimes I am down
Under the Eye
It can take some much time to maintain balance
Under the Nose
We cant all be like Cesar Millan
He has the perfect job
Collar Bone
He gets time to meditate and relax
Under Arm
It is only natural to sometimes be down
Top of the Head
I do the best I can
Eye Brow Point
But sometimes I know when I am down
Side of the Eye
Sometimes I do get bent out of shape
Under the Eye
I know that the universe is energy
Under the Nose
After all Tapping is all about energy
So I guess I can influence my surroundings
Collar Bone
I guess I can also allow others to influence me
Under Arm
It’s ok if I get down sometimes
Top of the Head
I can change my vibrations when I am down
Eye Brow Point
I choose to begin changing my vibrations now
Side of the Eye
I choose to start at the top of my head
Under the Eye
Allowing relaxing, peaceful energy to flow over me
Under the Nose
down my head and shoulders
over my body
Collar Bone
down my back and stomach
Under Arm
peaceful energy flowing over my arms and legs
Top of the Head
I am in vibration with loving peaceful energy
Eye Brow Point
I choose to maintain this vibration
Side of the Eye
To send this energy out to others
Under the Eye
So that all those around me can experience this
Under the Nose
For I get back what I send out
And I choose to send out joy, hope and love
Collar Bone
I choose to vibrate peace and hope
Under Arm
Like Cesar says “Its a choice”
Top of the Head
I choose to think peaceful relaxing thoughts
Eye Brow Point
I am raising my vibration level higher and higher
Side of the Eye
The higher I go the higher others around me go
Under the Eye
I choose loving caring hopeful and abundant vibrations
Under the Nose
There is more then enough for all of us
So much that I choose to give it away
Collar Bone
I choose to send out these vibrations
Under Arm
I choose to maintain these vibrations
Top of the Head
I love accept and appreciate myself