fear of heights

Fear of Heights

This script is associated with the “fear of heights”… Using EFT and Tapping the meridian system has become an effective way of releasing fears.

In Australia the Sydney Zoo holds EFT Tapping Sessions to help people overcome fears associated with animals or insects. They also bring in the animal, such as a snake whilst the person performs EFT Tapping to overcome the fear.

Is this fear of heights naturally healthy to have in normal circumstances ? .. Yes, I believe it is. But an over exaggeration of this fear is not healthy.

Of course it is healthy to have a fear of jumping of a building, because gravity certainly catches up to all of us… But it is unhealthy to have a fear that prevents you from the simple pleasure of experiencing life.

From my experience people with this fear can also have other beliefs, as this fear can strip the sense of confidence from you… Not everyone with this fear will have confidence issues, that’s obvious, but your unconscious mind has an uncanny knack of linking things with things and fears with emotions.

So if you do have an over exaggeration of this fear, see if you think you also have a confidence issue or similar limiting belief..

Before you begin, try to get a gauge at where you are on a scale between 0 and 10 on a suds scale. Simply say this sentence out aloud “I am afraid of heights”, and see if you can feel any resistance, and use your own intuition to see where you are on the scale.

Eft Script


This EFT Script is a generic script which will be very useful….   You may also receive additional benefit by doing additional rounds of tapping, adding in your own words where needed, or commenting on specific events that happened in your life, such as, “My brother scared me when he pulled a joke on me, by pretending to push me off the veranda.

 Press Play To Tap Along To This Script

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This Audio Takes a Couple of Seconds to Start


Tap on the Karate Chop point whilst saying the following:

Even though I am scared of heights I love and accept myself

Even though when looking from up high I am scared of heights, I fear I might fall, I choose to love and accept myself anyway

Even though I feel I will fall over the edge if I go to close, someone may even push me, I get so scared just thinking about it, even though I have these fears I deeply and completely love and accept myself, I also choose to forgive myself and anyone else who has contributed to this fear


Tap on the appropriate points, approx 7 times whilst saying the following:

EB I am scared of heights
SE I might fall over the edge
UE I am always scared, even when thinking about heights
UN What if I fall, what could happen
Ch I could fall just by looking over the edge
CB It’s not safe for me to look over the edge
UA It’s a long way down I don’t want to fall
H I don’t want to hurt myself, or worse


EB I have reason to be scared, gravity hurts
SE What if I trip as I walk towards the edge
UE What if I trip over my own shoe laces
UN I can’t look, it’s so far down I might fall
Ch What if someone pushes me
CB I am scared, I always have been scared and always will be
UA I get so scared I just freeze and my body trembles
H My stomach goes to my throat


EB I can’t enjoy looking over the edge
SE Other people enjoy it, they are crazy
UE I fear accidentally falling
UN I’ve seen people fall in the movies
Ch It always hurts them, they never get back up
CB Don’t tell me nothing can hurt me
UA What do you know, you haven’t fallen yet
H It’s a long way down, the wind could blow me over the edge


EB I can’t enjoy looking over the edge
SE What if I fall, who will save me
UE Don’t get behind me, I don’t want you pushing me
UN stay away from me in case you bump me
Ch My shoes might slip on the ground and I will fall
CB I don’t like heights
UA Heights are so scary
H I don’t feel safe from any height


EB Maybe someday soon I will enjoy looking out
SE I do like to look at sceneries on tv
UE It could even be fun
UN I could even climb the ladder of success
Ch Maybe I could see myself looking over the edge and enjoying it
CB Maybe it could be safe to look over the edge
UA I choose to feel safe looking over the edge
H I now choose to enjoy the scenery


EB I am free to look out over the edge
SE It is safe for me now
UE It is safe for me to look over the edge
UN It is safe for me to climb up high
Ch I am safe, I am now free to look over the edge
CB I choose to accept I can be safe up high
UA I choose to feel safe looking over the edge
H I choose to enjoy the freedom of being up high

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